Your Handy-Dandy HTML Reference SheetII


<IMG SRC="filename.jpg"> Basic image tag; put the filename of the image you want displayed in place of "filename." Be sure to check whether it's a .jpg or a .gif file.
Other attributes:
ALT="" Allows you to set text to be displayed if the images can't load. This text is also visible when the mouse pointer is hovered over the image.
ALIGN="" Lets you set the image's alignment with respect to the surrounding text. Possible values are: LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM and MIDDLE.
BORDER= Allows you to set the width of an image's border, in pixels. BORDER=0 leaves a linked image with no border at all. BORDER=1 Looks like this:
These allow you to set the height and width of an image, in pixels.
HSPACE= VSPACE= These allow you to set the horizontal and vertical space around an image, in pixels.


<LI> item one
<LI> item two
<LI> item three
An Ordered List. Looks like this:
  1. item one
  2. item two
  3. item three
<LI> item one
<LI> item two
<LI> item three
An Unordered List. Looks like this:
  • item one
  • item two
  • item three


A basic table. TR begins and ends a row in the table, TD begins and ends a cell within the table. Various attributes can be added to the opening tag (<TABLE>):
ALIGN= Sets the table's alignment on the page. (LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER).
BGCOLOR= Can be used to set the table's background color (if not included, the table's background will be the same as the page's background). BACKGROUND can be used if you wish to use an image as the table's background.
WIDTH= If an integer, sets the table's width in pixels. If a percent, sets the table's width in percentage of page width.
CELLPADDING= Sets the number of pixels of blank space left between the table border and cell contents.
CELLSPACING= Sets the number of pixels between each cell.
Set the number of pixels of blank space left around the table itself.


<META NAME="author" CONTENT=""> Sets the author of your site (probably your own name). AUthor's name goes between the quotation marks after CONTENT
<META NAME="generator" CONTENT=""> The generator of your site, either a composer program or your own fingers.
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=""> Here, you can set up to 25 keywords for search engines to use when suggesting your site to searchers.
<META NAME="description" CONTENT=""> A brief description of your site to be displayed when your site is brought up by a search engine.


<FRAME SRC="file1.html" NAME="navbar">
<FRAME SRC="file2.html" NAME="content">
<P> (Message for those whose browsers don't or can't read frames)<P>
Basic frameset, which goes under the HEAD but over the ending page tags.
The FRAMESET tag creates frames in which file1.html and file2.html are displayed. If you use columns, file1.html will be in the left column, if you use rows, it will be in the top row.
FRAMEBORDER is how thick the line between the frames is.
Use either ROWS (if you want horizontal framse) or COLS (if you want vertical frames), but not both. It's common to set the value using percentages (for example, COLS="22%, 88%"), since this makes your page look approximately the same on any sized screen. If you use pixels, an asterisk (*) can be used to indicate that that frame should take up however many pixels are left (e.g., ROWS="200, *"). The first number sets the left-hand or top-most frame's width, the second number sets the other frame.
<A HREF="filename.html" TARGET=""> Format for linking between frames. Set TARGET equal to the name of the frame you want the file to appear in. If you want the page to display in the entire window (eliminating the frames), use TARGET="_parent". To open a new window with the link, use TARGET="_blank".