Your Handy-Dandy HTML Reference Sheet


<HTML> </HTML> Tags to begin and end an HTML file.
<HEAD> </HEAD> Tags to begin and end the head of your page, which contains the information for browsers such as the title of your page (<TITLE> </TITLE>).
<BODY= BACKGROUND="FILENAME" BGCOLOR= TEXT= LINK= VLINK=> </BODY> Tags to begin and end the body of your page, the various text and images which will appear on browsers. Replace filename with the file name of the image (if any) you wish to use for wallpaper. The other values should be set equal to the codes for the appropriate colors.

Text Attributes

<H1> </H1> Headings (remember, they run from H1 through H6, decreasing in size).
<FONT> </FONT> This allows you to manipulate the appearance of text between the beginning and ending tags. Simply add one of the following after the FONT in the beginning tag:
SIZE= Lets you enlarge or shrink the size of a font. For example, <FONT SIZE=+1> will increase its size by one like this, and <FONT SIZE=-1> will shrink it like this).
COLOR=# This lets you change the color of the text between the beginning and ending tags.
<CENTER> </CENTER> Centers the text between the beginning and ending tags.
<B> </B> Makes text bold.
<I> </i> Makes text italic.
<U> </U> Makes text underlined.
<BR> Inserts a break between lines, like
that. Has no ending tag.
<P> </P> Marks the beginning of a paragraph. Paragraphs will have a blank line above and below them, but won't be indented.
<BLOCKQUOTE> </BLOCKQUOTE> Brings the margins of the text between the beginning and ending tags in by about half an inch. All of the pages in this course use this tag. It also acts like the <P> tag in that it inserts a blank line before and after the marked text,
like this.


Red = #CC0000 Black = #000000
Orange = #ff8800 Brown = #886600
Yellow = #ffff00 Grey = #cccccc
Green = #009900 Tan = #cccc00
Blue = #000099 White = #ffffff
Purple = #660099 Lt. Blue = #6699FF


curric/index.html"> </A>
A basic link to the web page at To link to a page within your own site, you only need to put filename.html (with whatever the page's name is in place of filename), the browser will know where to look.
<A HREF=""> An email link - this link, when clicked, will create a message addressed to